Anti-stress massage

How does our body respond to stress? It partially responds in an automatic way.

Initially the alarm is triggered at the level of the hypothalamus, a tiny but very important area of the brain that controls most of the organic functions independent of the will, such as body temperature, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, etc..

It is closely linked to the endocrine (neuroendocrine) and immune systems and usually tends to maintain homeostasis or functional balance (e.g.: you sweat in hot weather or shiver in cold weather).

What can anti-stress massage do?

The anti-stress massage does not act only at the epidermal level, but stimulates the deep layers of tissues, reactivates blood and lymphatic circulation, loosens muscles and joints and acts on breathing.

The effect of general relaxation is due to the decrease of the cerebral rhythm/frequency improving the creative and intuitive abilities, it eliminates the stagnation of blood, lymph and interstitial liquids, it unblocks the diaphragm thanks to a deeper breathing.

Deep relaxation, then, boosts the immune system and induces the body’s natural production of painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping pills and antidepressants.

How long does the massage last?

Massage lasts about 50 minutes and is normally considered as a weekly therapy or even several times a week, depending on individual preferences and needs.

Would you like more information about this treatment or about the study? You can contact us directly at 3517171706 or write us an email at